History of ISKCON TemplesHistory of ISKCON Temples

History of ISKCON Temples: Today we keep seeing videos of Kirtan of Hare Rama and Hare Krishna by people all over the world, especially by people of the Christian community, on every social media platform. Let us tell you that all these people are associated with the ISKCON temple. ISKCON is also known as the “Hare Krishna Movement”. Let us know What is ISKCON’s Complete History And Explore the Mystique of ISKCON Temples.


What is ISKCON?

ISKCON temple is the largest organization of temples dedicated to the devotion of Lord Shri Krishna in the whole world. ISKCON stands for International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Founded by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1966, ISKCON has spread its spiritual roots across the globe.

For centuries, temples have stood as sanctuaries of spirituality, offering solace and a connection to the divine. Let us know the mystical world of ISKCON temples, exploring their History Of ISKCON Temples, significance, and the profound spirituality that envelops them.

ISKCON Temples new york city USA
ISKCON Temples New York City USA


History Of ISKCON Temples

The ISKCON temple was founded by Srimurti Sri Abhaycharanaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupadaji in New York City in 1966. AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada was a dedicated spiritualist and scholar who played an important role in spreading the knowledge of Krishna consciousness globally.

The movement has grown rapidly since the opening of the first ISKCON temple in New York City, to include temples in major cities and quiet rural areas around the world. Each temple serves as a center of spiritual learning, devotion, and community for followers and seekers.


Biography of ISKCON founder Swami Prabhupadaji

The full name of Swami Prabhupadaji, who founded the ISKCON temple, was Srimurti Sri Abhaycharanaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupadaji. He was born on 1 September 1896 in Kolkata, India. Once Prabhupada Maharaj’s Guru Bhakti Siddhant Saraswati Goswami told him that you are young, become bright, and spread Krishna Bhakti abroad.

To follow the orders of his Guru, he took up Sannyasa at the age of 49 and to fulfill his Guru’s orders, he started spreading devotion to Lord Krishna. After taking Sannyasa, Swamiji traveled all over the world preaching Hare Rama Hare Krishna. Swami Prabhupadaji passed away on 14 November 1977 in Vrindavan at the age of 81.

Biography of ISKCON founder Swami Prabhupadaji
Biography of ISKCON founder Swami Prabhupadaji


ISKCON temple is famous for its architecture

ISKCON temples are not only spiritual hubs but also architectural marvels that showcase the rich tapestry of Indian temple architecture. Typically adorned with intricate carvings, vividly painted exteriors, and opulent spires, ISKCON temples are a visual treat.


What is inside the ISKCON temple?

Inside, the temples house sanctums dedicated to Lord Krishna and His divine consort Radha. Elaborate altar setups, exquisite deity forms, and serene atmospheres create an ambiance that encourages deep contemplation and devotion. The architectural design often follows the traditional Vedic style, featuring ornate domes, mandapas (hallways), and beautiful courtyards.


ISKCON temple Deity Worship

At the heart of every ISKCON temple is the practice of deity worship. Deities, representing various forms of Lord Krishna, are meticulously adorned, offered sumptuous meals, and engaged in daily rituals. This form of worship serves to connect devotees with the divine on a personal level.

Devotees often partake in arati ceremonies, which involve the offering of lamps, incense, and various items to the deity while chanting hymns and mantras. The immersive experience allows devotees to transcend the material world and establish a direct connection with Lord Krishna.

ISKCON TemplesDeity Worship
ISKCON TemplesDeity Worship


Complete information about ISKCON

Full name English International Society for Krishna Consciousness
Established 13 July 1966
Place of Establishment New York USA
Founder Acharya Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Headquarters Mayapur, West Bengal, India
Branch Units 850+ Branch Units
Service areas all over the world
Affiliation Hinduism
Purpose Spirituality, Education, Religious Awareness, Religious Studies
Mahamantra Hare Rama-Hare Rama, Ram-Ram Hare Hare,

Hare Krishna-Hare Krishna, Krishna-Krishna Hare Hare.



Apart from its doctrine, the followers of ISKCON mainly follow four rules which are as follows.

  1. Followers of ISKCON have to give up Tamasic food. Under this, they have to stay away from onion, garlic, meat, alcohol, etc.
  2. Staying away from unethical conduct like visiting places like gambling, pubs, and brothels comes under unethical conduct.
  3. ISKCON followers have to spend one hour daily in the study of scriptures. In this, along with Geeta, scriptures related to Indian religion and history have to be studied.
  4. Most importantly, everyone has to chant the name ‘Hare Krishna-Hare Krishna’ 16 times daily.


Principles of ISKCON temple

The main reason why ISKCON has so many followers all over the world today is the immense peace found in the ISKCON temple. Today people come from all over the world in search of this peace. Today, Krishna’s teachings of Geeta are proving to be a boon for the people. Those who believe in the ISKCON temple have to follow four simple rules. These 4 principles are based on 4 pillars of dharma.

  1. Tenacity
  2. Mercy
  3. Truth
  4. purity of mind


ISKCON is a symbol of Spiritual Education and Outreach

ISKCON temples are not just places of worship but also centers for spiritual education and outreach. Devotees and scholars conduct lectures, seminars, and workshops on the teachings of Bhagavad Gita and the principles of Krishna consciousness. These programs are open to everyone, irrespective of their religious beliefs, making ISKCON a beacon of universal spirituality.


What does ISKCON do to Society?

ISKCON is renowned for its charitable and humanitarian efforts. The movement runs schools, hospitals, and food distribution programs to serve the underprivileged. The Hare Krishna Food for Life initiative, for instance, has provided millions of meals to those in need worldwide, embodying the principle of “loving service to humanity” that is at the core of ISKCON’s mission.

ISKCON Temples History
ISKCON Temples History


How to Join ISKCON?

If you’re considering joining ISKCON and embarking on a profound spiritual journey Here are the Steps to Join ISKCON to Embarking on a Spiritual Journey.

  1. Self-Reflection and Study
  2. Attend ISKCON Programs
  3. Seek Guidance
  4. Participate in Bhakti Yoga
  5. Adopt a Vegetarian Lifestyle
  6. Engage in Seva (Service)
  7. Take Initiation (Diksha)


If you want peace of mind then come to ISKCON

In a world marked by rapid changes and constant upheaval, ISKCON temples stand as bastions of peace, spirituality, and timeless wisdom. Their rich history, stunning architecture, and dedication to spiritual education and outreach make them much more than mere places of worship.

ISKCON temples are sanctuaries where the weary soul finds solace, where the curious seeker discovers profound spiritual insights, and where the spirit of selfless service shines brightly. Visiting an ISKCON temple is not just a physical journey; it’s a voyage of the soul, an exploration of the mystique that is Krishna consciousness.


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