Moscow attack videoMoscow attack video

Moscow attack video: Hundreds of people are feared dead in the terrorist attack in the Russian capital Moscow. The terrorists had also attacked with explosives, the video of which has now surfaced.


Moscow attack video:

In the video of the Moscow attack, indiscriminate firing and chaos all around can be seen. ISIS has taken responsibility for the Moscow terrorist attack. Four terrorists of Islamic State were involved in the terrorist attack in Moscow. The terrorists fired indiscriminately with automatic rifles and then fled. The investigating agency has recovered a huge quantity of bullet shells.


Terrible scene of Russian terrorist attack

The horrific scene of the Russian terrorist attack can be seen in the viral video on social media. Terrorists opened indiscriminate fire on people during a concert at the Crocus City Hall near Moscow. ISIS terrorists detonated explosives in the hall and set it on fire. After the attack, special police forces and investigative agencies took charge. The Russian investigative agency has released photographs of the rifle and the bullets fired from it.


America had already warned!

White House National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson said the US had warned Russia about the possibility of an attack in Moscow. He further said, ‘Earlier this month, the US government had received information that terrorists were planning to attack Moscow. The death toll in the Moscow attack may also increase. In the video footage that has surfaced, it can be seen how the terrorists are firing indiscriminately.


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