The latest updates for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program include:

Housing choice voucher Section 8 Latest Update:

The Biden administration has proposed a significant increase that would help to reduce the waiting list for vouchers.

1- Increased funding

HUD issued new regulations which aim to improve the program's efficiency and effectiveness.

2- New regulations

HUD expanded the eligibility criteria which means that more families will be able to apply for vouchers.

3- Expanded eligibility

HUD expanding the use of technology, such as using online applications, electronic rent payments, etc.

4- National rental database

HUD expanding the use of technology, such as using online applications, electronic rent payments, etc.

5- Use of technology

HUD expanded higher incomes families, families with more assets, and families with disabilities.

6- Communication with families

HUD expanded higher incomes families, families with more assets, and families with disabilities.

7- Higher income eligibility

Housing choice vouchers are for families with low incomes, seniors, and people with disabilities.

 How to Apply for Housing Choice Voucher Program
