Let us know the date and time of the last total lunar eclipse of this year.
The Earth's shadow is going to completely cover the Moon. The last total lunar eclipse of the year will be visible on November 8.
According to astrologers, the total lunar eclipse will last 86 minutes. This will happen on November 8th at 10:59 UT.
The total lunar eclipse will be visible in America, the Pacific Ocean, Australia, New Zealand, and East Asia on November 8.
This six-hour-long lunar eclipse will be visible in the eastern parts and central parts of India from 4:50 pm to 5:30 pm.
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and the Sun's light does not fall on the Moon.
During this, the Earth's shadow falls on the Moon. During an eclipse, the silver-like moon turns orange or red.
You can also see the lunar eclipse with normal eyes. You can see it more clearly with a telescope or binoculars.
After the total lunar eclipse on 8 November, the next total lunar eclipse will be visible on 7 September 2025.