Warren Buffett's company Berkshire Hathaway's Earnings Fall as Market Tumult Weighs on Stock Portfolio.
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. reported a decline in first quarter earnings due to turmoil in financial markets.
Berkshire Hathaway Inc.'s insurance-underwriting business saw earnings decline due to rising claims costs.
Warren Buffett’s company Berkshire Hathaway Inc. reported net income of $5.46 billion, or $3,702 a Class A share equivalent.
Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. income was down from $11.71 billion, or $7,638 a share, a year earlier.
Warren Buffett’s company’s Operating earnings edged up to $7.04 billion from $7.02 billion last year.
Berkshire's insurance-underwriting business took a sharp hit in first quarter because the cost of paying out insurance claims rose significantly.
As the prices of used cars jumped, sending operating income falling to $47 million from $764 million a year earlier.
Many of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.’ s businesses, including its railroad, utilities and energy, and manufacturing, service and retailing operations, posted growth.
Berkshire’s equity portfolio was worth $331 billion at the end of 2021. Berkshire’s net income can be volatile from quarter to quarter.
Warren Buffett Favorite Stock: Berkshire Hathaway Big bet on this oil company.