The Union Bank of India has recently increased fixed deposits (FDs). 

Union Bank Fixed Deposit Interest Rates 2024:

According to the information available on the UBI website These rates have come into effect from 27 May 2023. 

If you are a customer of Union Bank, then you need to know what are the new FD interest rates.

Tenors: For 1 year Interest Rates for Regular Customers: 6.75% Interest Rates for Senior Citizens: 7.25%

Tenors: Above 1 year to 398 days Interest Rates for Regular Customers: 6.75% Interest Rates for Senior Citizens: 7.25%

Tenors: For 3 years Interest Rates for Regular Customers: 6.50% Interest Rates for Senior Citizens: 7.00%

Tax-Saving FD Interest Rates for Regular Customers: 6.50% Interest Rates for Senior Citizens: 7.25

Highest slab rate (for 399 days) Interest Rates for Regular Customers: 7.25% Interest Rates for Senior Citizens: 7.75%

Click on Learn More to see the complete list of UBI Fixed Deposit Interest Rates 2024 for all tenors...

For more information visit the official website of the Union Bank of India ""