Multibagger Stock:
If you invest money by doing research in the stock market, then you are sure to get great returns.
The stock of Automotive Stamping and Assembly has given excellent returns to investors in 1 year.
Let us tell you that Automotive Stamping and Assembly Limited is a Tata Group company.
Very few people know that it is a Tata Group company because the word Tata is not attached to the name of this company.
Automotive Stampings & Assemblies is a small cap company of the Tata Group with a market cap of more than Rs 800 crore.
A year ago, on September 10, 2021, the share of Automotive Stampings & Assemblies was around Rs 55.
Last Friday, September 9, 2022, the share of Automotive Stampings & Assemblies closed at Rs 459.
A year ago, if an investor had invested Rs 1 lakh in this stock, today its value would have been more than Rs 8 lakh.
Automotive Stampings and Assemblies Ltd Mkt cap: 737.60Cr P/E ratio: 11.93 52-wk high: 925.45 52-wk low: 55.10
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