Khan Academy offers free SAT prep courses for both sections.

SAT Prep Course Khan Academy

Each course level includes articles, videos, and practice questions for every skill on test day for free.

This unit covers general test-taking tips and strategies, as well as an overview of the SAT.

1- General SAT strategies:

It covers the different types of questions on the SAT Reading Test and strategies.

2- SAT Reading Test:

It covers the different types of questions on the SAT Reading Test and strategies.

3- SAT Writing and Language Test:

This unit covers the different topics covered on the SAT Math Test and strategies.

4- SAT Math Test:

It covers the SAT Essay, including the different types of essays that you may be asked to write.

5- SAT Essay:

Khan Academy also offers the following resources for SAT prep. • practice problems • personalized learning • variety of tools for teacher

If you guys are looking for a free and well-designed SAT preparation course, Khan Academy is a great option.

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