Know the rates of all top cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Dogecoin, XRP, Ethereum.
Bitcoin cryptocurrency is running at $16,903.04 on CoinDesk today. It is currently down by 1.18 percent.
In the last 24 hours, the maximum price of bitcoin was 17,300.62 and the minimum price was 16,866.54 dollars.
Let us tell you that during the last 1 year, bitcoin cryptocurrency has given a negative return of 63.43 percent.
The rate of Dogecoin cryptocurrency is currently trading at $0.09906192 on CoinDesk, down 5.31 percent.
In the last 24 hours, the maximum price of Dogecoin cryptocurrency was $0.10 and the minimum price was $0.09.
Let us tell you that during the last 1 year, Dogecoin crypto currency has given a negative return of 41.92 percent.
The rate of Ethereum is down by 1.13 percent today at $1,271.89 on CoinDesk. Its market cap is $152.14 billion.
In the last 24 hours, the maximum price of Ethereum was $ 1,298.71 and the minimum price was $ 1,263.36.
Let us tell you that during the last 1 year, Ethereum cryptocurrency has given a negative return of 65.46 percent.
Today the rate of XRP cryptocurrency is down by 3.50 percent to $0.38852130. Its market cap is $38.84 billion.
During the last 24 hours, the maximum price of XRP cryptocurrency was $0.40 and the minimum price was $0.38.
Let us tell you that since January 1, 2022, the XRP crypto currency has given a negative return of 52.98 percent.
Today is the day of heavy downfall in the cryptocurrency market. Know the complete information of cryptocurrency.