In LIC's New Jeevan Shanti plan, the pension amount is decided at the time of investment.
The New Jeevan Shanti Scheme of LIC is a non-linked, nonparticipating, individual-type premium scheme.
In this, the customers have to deposit a lump sum amount to buy the policy. After this, you start getting a pension for a fixed period.
There are two investment options available in this scheme. 1- Deferred annuity for single life; Deferred annuity for joint life.
If the policyholder of Deferred Annuity for Single Life dies during the investment, then the money deposited in his account is received by the nominee.
In LIC's New Jeevan Shanti scheme, it is mandatory for the customers to invest at least 1.5 lakh rupees.
No limit has been fixed for the maximum investment for the policyholders in the new Jeevan Shanti plan.
In this, the pension has to be received on annual, 6 months, 3 months, or monthly basis according to your need.
If you invest Rs 1.5 lakh, you will get a monthly pension of Rs 1,000. The annual interest of 12 thousand keeps on getting.